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Brass Bendix Aviation Corp. General Alarm




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The Brass Bendix Aviation Corp. designed the General Alarm, a device known for its ability to enhance safety and security on board ships and boats. Specifically, it alerts the crew of any potential issues or malfunctions. Furthermore, sensors placed throughout the vessel activate the alarm, allowing it to detect problems such as leaks, engine failure, or other critical malfunctions.

Additionally, the company was recognized for producing a variety of industry-leading products, not only for aviation but also for the marine division. In fact, the Bendix General Alarm was an essential piece of equipment for the marine division, as it helped ensure the safety of the ship, crew and cargo. Moreover, it was also useful in emergency situations, helping the crew to quickly and efficiently respond to any issues and take the necessary actions to mitigate the problem. As a result, this device not only kept the ship and crew safe but also helped to prevent damage to the vessel and its cargo.


Length: 5.5″
Width: 5.25″
Extends Off Wall: 4.5″
Weight: 5.5 lbs.

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